Monday, 7 November 2011

And So Ends The First Week

So that's my first week of blogging completed.
Not too painful, was it ?

Hung this fat square up to attract long-tailed tits, but as you can see, a Starling got there first.
Then he decided to tell his brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins. And before long, about 30 starlings descended on the garden. When the fat is gone, I won't replace it for a while, because I don't want to encourage a flock of starlings to spend the winter here. They would just take over the entire garden. Although our resident robin did chase them off the bird bath.

So the first week of November started mild, then turned colder. It has also been quite wet and cloudy with only 2 days of sunshine. If the old adage about Nature paying her debts is correct, then the beginning of Winter should be very cold, mainly dry and sunny. Snow ? Well who knows, it only needs one heavy snow shower to cause chaos. Only time will tell.

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