Friday, 9 December 2011

A Right Royal Rose

Born to rule.

This is Rose Queen Elizabeth blooming in December. How dare it ? Took this picture today because tonight's frost might put an end to it's display. The rose has been in the top 10 of roses for the last 40 years, and was introduced in 1954. It was the first rose that I purchased. I bought it many, many years ago, can't remember where from. No, I didn't buy it in 1954, I didn't mean that many years. Must admit, it really has been neglected. It's planted at the bottom of the garden on a bank, shaded by trees and bushes. Well I was a novice gardener when I bought it. In those days, it was a matter of digging a hole and putting a plant in it. Nowadays, I put plants in situations that suit them, and do you know, they seem to appreciate it. Funny that ! Last spring I pruned a number of shrubs around the rose, which allowed a lot more light in, and I pruned the rose back by half. Seems to have done the trick.

Looks like it's payback time with the weather. Let's see, November was mild, dry and calm. So winter should be cold, wet and windy. Mmm. You know, it's a pity that the financial institutions don't take a leaf out of nature's book, when it comes to repaying debts.

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