Sunday, 15 July 2012

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - July 2012

It's time to show what's in bloom in the garden this month:

Dahlia Bishop of Oxford, purchased from Brookside Nursery earlier this year, and still in the greenhouse.

Campanula persicifolia, one of the first campanulas I grew, and it self-seeds around the garden. Bargain.

Hemerocallis, commonly known as a daylily. Sorry I don't know the variety. The plant got through last winter, but the label didn't, it faded.

Viola, another self-seeded plant. I love plants for free.

Begonia Superstar, a wonderful plant for hanging baskets, only just coming into bloom.

Asiatic Lily, variety unknown. Lost the label. Really must be more careful.

Adenophora, closely related to campanula, grown from seed many years ago. I remember it took quite a few years to get established, but now it's a bit of a thug.

Matricaria, another one grown from seed many years ago, and now self-seeding around the garden.

Oxalis, this one escaped from my neighbour's garden. It grew through their hedge, and now flowers in my garden in dense shade. Oxalis can become a nuisance, but this one knows its place, and shows no signs of spreading.

Alstroemeria, this is one of the first Princess varieties, purchased many years ago when they first became available. I bought three at the time; a red one that died, a white one that still throws up a few stems, and this one that really took off.

Clematis Shimmer and Clematis Amethyst Beauty, growing together in a pot. Purchased two years ago, and flowering for the first time.

Sweet Pea, a perennial variety, also purchased two years ago, and also flowering for the first time. It's planted under an arch, but this stem decided to climb up a nearby apple tree.

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting this meme. Why not pop over to Carol's blog to see what is in bloom all over the world this month.


  1. An nice selection of blooms here, Crystal. Love the clematis - but then I would... as I love purple :-)

    I've got a white Campanula persicifolia and didn't realise it had been self seeding until this year - I lifted and moved them and their white blooms are out now :-D

    Happy Bloom Day - I've got Great Spotted Woodpeckers and a plant list this time. Got out to my pond build today - its taking shape :-D

    1. I have a white Campanula persicifolia too, growing out of a piece of tufa rock. Definitely in the wrong place, but unable to move it. I'm hoping it will self-seed somewhere else.

  2. So many pretty blooms. The yellow alstroemeria is a color I don't remember seeing around here.

    For July I'm just enjoying the blooms in other gardens.

    1. It is a lovely Alstroemeria, but it really is outliving its space now. Will have to be a bit ruthless with it soon.

  3. Your garden must look a picture! A lovely selection of your colourful blooms. My favourite is the Campanula. I have tried to grow them but without much luck :-( The little Violas are so pretty!

    1. The garden is looking nice now, but it has only just started showing colour. A lot of the flowers out now usually bloom in June.

  4. Hi Crystal,

    Love the Dahlia.....such an intense red. I wish I could grow them....with the soil, frost pocket and rabbits they are sadly too much work. I would love a large bed of them for cutting :)

    Campanula, very pretty.....and like Jan one of my favourites.

    Your garden must abound with colour and on these gloomy rainy days that must be a bonus :)

    1. I really must get that dahlia out of the greenhouse.

  5. I love your variety of old-fashioned flowers.

    1. I've always liked cottage garden varieties, interspersed with native species.

  6. For the first time this year I have no dahlias I am mortified - I saved them overwinter successfully then when they were planted out they just rotter. I miss cutting them for the house. You have a lovely selection in bloom despite the weather.

    1. I grew some dahlias last year, but the slugs ate them all. Must look after this year's plants a little better.

  7. I really like the matricaria and begonia. Everything looks so beautiful. :o) I throw all my plant tags in a basket to help keep track of them. Every couple of years I go through them and throw out the ones from plants that died. It can be a very humbling experience!

    1. I throw all my plant tags into an old plant pot. Haven't got round to sorting them out yet.

  8. Piękne kwiaty masz teraz w ogrodzie. Dla mnie miłym zaskoczeniem jest alstroemeria śliczne też są kwiatki matricaria. Pozdrawiam.
    Now you have beautiful flowers in the garden. For me it is a pleasant surprise alstroemeria are also beautiful flowers Matricaria. Yours.

    1. The original Matricaria was yellow, but its offspring are now white.

  9. Lovely to see so many blooms! x

    1. They've been a long time coming though.

  10. Summer is here! At least your plants think so. They are all wonderful - especially your perennial sweeet peas. Thank you for reminding us that it is summer.

    1. Yes, the sweet peas have been a nice surprise. I'd forgotten about them until they clambered up the apple tree.

  11. Hi Crystal, love your lilies, label or no label! And your two clematis are absolutely gorgeous :-)

    1. My garden is usually full of lily blooms at this time of year, but the rain has really held them back. Lots of them in bud, but still only this one in flower.

  12. Lovely post...I remember Adenophera growing in a huge patch in my grandmother's garden...I need to plant some of my own :-)

    1. Adenophora is not often seen these days. Maybe it's because of its short flowering period.

  13. I have that same daylily, and the same problem! The tag faded, but I can read part of it. The first word in the name is, ironically, "Faded". If you ever figure out the variety, let me know.
